About Us

Chipeen works with various organizations who needs volunteers by connecting them to interested volunteers within their database. We initiate volunteer opportunities based on demand and available resources. We also help groups and organizations by coordinating their volunteer activities.


The Mission of Chipeen is to coordinate and connect volunteers to volunteer opportunities, and create more volunteer activities where needed.


To normalize volunteers so that every citizen is involved in volunteer work.

become a volunteer

Help us Bring Change by Joining as a Volunteer. By Joining you will allow us to notify whenever any new campaign or event is there.


Chipeen was founded by a female who is passionate about volunteerism, Phynora Ible. The organization was birthed while attending a destination guardian training by St. Kitts Sustainable Destination Council, as she realized that there was a lack of coordination of volunteerism in the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.

Phynora Ible

Phynora Ible

Founder | Advocacy Director | Planning and Programs Director

Meisha Michael

Meisha Michael

Finance Director

Lisa Hazel Claxton

Lisa Hazel Claxton

Philanthropy and Development Director | Member Service Director

Keeanna Ible

Keeanna Ible

Marketing Director

Shez Dore-Tyson

Shez Dore-Tyson

Volunteer Coordination Director

Derionne Edmeade

Derionne Edmeade

Information Technology Director



Public Relations Director